Exam Stress
English: Started by Faramarz on July 10, 2018.
Description: The issue of exam stress, particularly for university students is a matter of huge concern globally and has put scholars and education experts on a quest to research the issue, devise solutions and curb its further increment. However, there are still few research projects available on the theme of finding a range of accurate solutions that might help students to cope up with their exam stress. Thus, this research efforts have been made to hear real-life solutions from the students and gather process and analyze their insights in relation to the issue. The survey has also focused on the practical solutions the students currently opt to help them overcome the exam stress. Lack of the preparation time, quality, and awareness about the exams have been found as major causes of the exam stress. In conclusion, it is found out that currently students rely more on music and sports to relieve their exam stress and they think the main difficulties of overcoming the exam stress is the overthinking of the issue and fear of losing the time control.