Forum:Any update on wiki creation wizard bugfixing?
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I don't want to sound pushy or impatient, but I'd like an update on how CreateWiki testing is going and an ETA on when it'll be reopened for public use; CreateWiki being down is a major inconvenience for me, as I own a wiki that has had to change hosts several times and is now currently hosted on Fandom when it could've been created on ShoutWiki in the first place and saved the trouble of moving several times. Miraheze is out of the question since there is a community-endorsed ban on reception wikis (the type of wiki that my wiki happens to be) that may soon be part of official policy. I understand if Staff are working on other issues and don't have time to get CW working again. The fact that CW has been down for nearly three and a half years, though, makes it seem like CW is lower priority than it should be. Miraheze is a great wiki farm, but it has its issues; Fandom is tolerable with an adblocker, but it's a non-starter without. Having a third major wiki farm get back in the game would help give users more choices for free wiki hosting. Tali64^2 (talk) 22:24, 12 February 2024 (UTC)