Forum:Is it possible to add a comment section extension to ShoutWiki?

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Hi. I'm wondering if it's possible for anyone at ShoutWiki to add an extension that allows people to comment on pages and blogs on any wiki on ShoutWiki, because I feel an addition such as this is long overdue because not only does it make giving feedback to pages or blogs a lot easier, but other wiki farms such as Fandom, Miraheze, and even Telepedia have this kind of feature, so I hope the ShoutWiki staff can finally allow users to add comment sections to pages and blogs on any wiki they contribute to. Thanks. SuperStreetKombat (talk) 9:48, 24 June 2024 (UTC)

Hello? Is anyone here? SuperStreetKombat (talk) 2:34, 2 July 2024 (UTC)

Hello? SuperStreetKombat (talk) 8:50, 22 July 2024 (UTC)

ShoutWiki is effectively abandonware, I wouldn't hold your breath. -- DragonBreath (talk) 17:43, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
Yeah, it really seems to be that way. I don't mean to sound rude, but it seems to me that the communication from the staff is extremely inconsistent and so many of ShoutWiki's tools like the wiki creation one have been broken for who knows how long. Not to mention that there are very few good wikis on this site, like Weirdcyclopedia, but we already know what happened to that wiki. I don't know if I should continue contributing to ShoutWiki's wikis or just ditch the whole site completely. SuperStreetKombat (talk) 10:52, 28 July 2024 (UTC)