Vacancies/Social Features Product Developer

Page last edited 3,769 days ago
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Open Positions

Please note that all of the following positions are unpaid internships; if you're looking for a job that can get you rich quick, then we're not for you.


See also; Other roles at ShoutWiki.

Are you familiar with the SocialProfile extension and other social tools? Would you like to develop the tools further and create some new tools of your own?

If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then you're the person we're looking for!

The Product Developer of Social Features reports to Jack Phoenix, the Head of Customer Support Team and the Head Developer of Social Tools.

Job Description

We're looking for a Social Features Product Developer, making wikis more than just information! In more detail, your job will include:

  • Working on the Social Profiles extension, keeping it up to date with the latest MediaWiki standards, fixing bugs and adding new features.
  • Discussing changes with users and implementing additional extensions to fit needs.
  • Contributing fixes to other upstream social tools that may be of strategic value.
  • Helping the rest of the technical department when needed.


  • Strong knowledge of the PHP programming language.
  • Understanding of the MySQL database software.
  • Familiar with the MediaWiki software and its codebase strongly preferred.
  • Ability to use SVN and ability to use or willingness to learn to use Git.
  • Knowledge of the SocialProfile extension.

Bonus Requirements

  • Design skill - developers with design capabilities help us keep ShoutWiki looking nice. Primarily we want working features, but good looking working features are a real plus!
  • Experience as an editor of ShoutWiki and/or other MediaWiki sites.
  • Knowledge of *NIX based operating systems.
  • Strong social media user.
  • Knowledge of another language or multiple languages!


If you're interested in this position, please e-mail sbojmoc.ikiwtuohs with "Social Features Product Developer" as the subject. Tell us a bit about yourself and why you're interested in the position. We will happily read CV/resumes in .txt, .pdf and .doc (or equivalent LibreOffice/OpenOffice formats) if you attach them, and we appreciate links to portfolios, wikis you've edited and links to any of your previous work.